visionaries inspiring quantum change

Our Story

Unlock Your Potential - Discover, Interrupt, Transform

The Awakened Guru is both an Online Learning Centre and an in person transformational change channel. Our mission is simple, to lift awareness, move past stagnation, raise consciousness at a quantum level to showcase one's true potential. Led by the transformational change coach and author of 20 plus years and creator of The BS Shift, Fiona Christie and joined by other awakened visionaries ahead in their field.

The Awakened Guru offerings connect all aspects of life through mind, body and spiritual teachings, inviting you to look inwards for the answers which are already there.

We look forward to building a community of truth seekers who choose fascination over fear, enabling them to widen their horizons to experience true growth at a quantum level.

Embrace the Journey of life as a series of new beginnings. What happens to and in your life are the events. Your response is what defines you. Do you want to be right or do you want to be happy? That choice is yours.

The Awakened Guru

Meet the team

Fiona Christie

Transformational Change Coach

Wendy Kempsell

Counsellor/Art Therapy

Diane Clark Manley

Yoga Wellness Coach

Getting to the other side of stuck-ness

I highly recommend Fiona, you're in amazing hands.

she'll help you push through whatever it is that's holding you back and get you out the other side so you can live the life you're here to live

Paula - Praise for Fiona's Work


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